What is the Inter-University Exchange Project?

The “Inter-University Exchange Project” (IUEP) is an initiative launched by Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to cultivate global talent for participation at the international level, and to strengthen the global capacity of university education. It aims to support study abroad by Japanese students and the strategic intake of foreign students through education partnerships with universities in target countries and regions.
See: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science website, Inter-University Exchange Project (Japanese only) https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-tenkairyoku/


Outline of Tokyo University of the Arts’ Initiatives

We address sustainability challenges through art by partnering with major arts educational institutions in Japan, the UK, Australia, and India. Our goal is to create international arts education and research programs that promote sustainability and train global leaders through interlocal learning in social practice.We aim to establish exchange programs based on international agreements that enable students to earn double master’s and doctoral degrees.


Summer Program (Dispatch/Hosting)

Utilizing the Shared Campus platform, we create short-term intensive programs with global partners. Students learn about the concept of SDGs and ways of approaching society through the arts. In addition, lectures and workshops by partner university faculty help students gain diverse local and global perspectives.


Semester Program (Dispatch/Hosting)

The semester program supports MA and PhD students in conducting case studies in both dispatching and hosting areas over a medium-term period.

  • Research phase: Basic learning about the culture and history of the dispatching/hosting region, plus preliminary study relevant to the student’s field.
  • Internship + field research phase: Conducted with the cooperation of art studios, local governments, and companies.
  • Reaction + sharing phase: Present learning outcomes through written reports, artwork, and other modes of output.


Lecture Program (Online)

Lectures support international co-study and pre-departure preparation, enhancing the quality of local experiences and learning. This program also offers bilingual learning opportunities for students interested in studying abroad. Lectures promoting the SDGs are delivered online (JV-Campus) as part of this project’s outcomes.


事業報告書 2021 – 2023|大学の世界展開力強化事業
Shared Campus(国際共創キャンパス)を活用した日英豪印 SDGs x ARTs グローバル リーダー養成プログラム
IUEP Geidai 2023: Arts Mapping in London
大学の世界展開力強化事業 〜インド太平洋地域等との大学間交流形成支援〜
Shared Campus(国際共創キャンパス)を活用した日英豪印 SDGs × ARTs グローバルリーダー養成プログラム ─ 世界を幸福にするイノベーション創出